Friday, 22 July 2016

Preparing to brake normal map

The model is blown up' to prepare for the normal map baking. If this is not done, the there will be a lot of overlapping projection and the map will look terrible. I will be using XNormal to bake the map. The app provides an alternate way to do this which is to use 'Blockers'. But I think this should be more straight forward. 

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Cleaned up the UVs and organised the namings

Took another few days to clean up the naming of the parts, and tidied up the UVs so that the 1:1 space is maximised. Working on hard surface objects like this I learnt that if the component has straight edges the UVs must be straight too. Otherwise the texture would not look right later. Now that this is done, it's time for me to get some revision on Quixel before working on it further.

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Rolleiflex - Completed with the modelling and UV layout.

I think I am done with the modelling. The UV layout is largely done but I need to work on optimising the space usage.